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Minggu, 15 April 2012


Assalamua’laikum wr. wb. 
Good morning dear friends, It’s a great pleasure for me to be given the opportunity to deliver speech on electric service. Last time, we having discussed about conductors and raceways, and then we turn now to the two remaining categories, that is power handling and utilization equipment. The first step to check the electric service what is brought into a structure. This service is required when public utility franchises be available at the private property and usually tapped onto the utility lines at a beyond the property line. So, service tap may be a connection on a pole with an overhead service drop to the building, an underground service lateral to the building, or a connection to an underground utility line with a service lateral to the building. All expenses which required accounted on consumer. We are now almost at the end of the presentation. We apologize for any shortcomings. Thank you for your attention. 
 Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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